As a man, have you tried bladder training and made adequate lifestyle changes but couldn’t combat bladder control issues? Well, you are not actually alone – approximately 21-32% of United State males experience hardcore incontinence.

VigRX Incontinix Review

VigRX Incontinix is actually a bladder control supplement. VigRX Incontinix is a clinically proven bladder control breakthrough that aims to handle the frustrating problem of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence. This patented, men-specific formula is thought to be effective in relieving urgency and improving overall bladder health.

Regular consumption of this supplement may help you purportedly decrease frequent bathroom visits throughout the day. In addition, it’s thought to be effective in supporting male bladder function. Also, the VigRX Incontinix supplement allows you to enjoy an uninterrupted good night’s sleep by regulating the urge to urinate at night.

VigRX Incontinix is endorsed by a board-certified urologist, Dr. Laurence Chulz, this efficient natural formula has recently earned tremendous popularity. Though the formula primarily supports men, anyone with incontinence can add it to their wellness regime.


VigRX Incontinix Ingredients

VigRX Incontinix robust formula packs various science-backed ingredients. They have passed multiple clinical trials and acquired more than 20 global patents. According to the manufacturer, each 840 mg serving of the formula is loaded with well-researched ingredients that offer proven benefits in reducing urinary urges and enhancing bladder control.

The efficient content of the VigRX Incontinix formula includes the following:

  1. Horsetail: This ancient herb has been used in traditional medicines for its diuretic properties. The manufacturer sources the plant matter from huge bushes thriving for over 400 million years. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it belongs to the paleozoic era. Identical to asparagus and a close relative to the fern, horsetail contains antioxidant properties. Besides, it may help inhibit cancer cell growth. Furthermore, it may help treat osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, brittle nails, and kidney stones.
  2. Cratevox™: Containing Crateva nurvala, Cratevox™ is a one-of-a-kind substance that enhances the efficacy of this therapeutic herb. Crateva nurvala may benefit the neurogenic bladder, which in turn helps reduce residual urine volume. This eventually normalizes the tone of the urinary bladder. Furthermore, the herb may also help treat urinary calculi and infections.
  3. Lindera aggregata: Extensively used in traditional Chinese medicine, Lindera aggregata may help treat abdominal distension, indigestion, and pain. Besides, according to a placebo-controlled study, it may also help control dysmenorrhea and regurgitation. Furthermore, extracts of different parts of this plant may lead to better blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and treat allergies. Most importantly, it may slow down bladder aging, helping the organ to function more efficiently.

VigRX Incontinix supplement is holistically free from health-damaging additives, synthetics, and other impurities. The manufacturer has tried keeping the formula as natural as possible, ensuring safety and reliability.


How Does VigRX Incontinix Works?

The supplement aims to strengthen the muscles of the bladder, sphincter, and pelvic wall. These are considered the primary areas to support bladder control. By strengthening these muscles, this science-backed formula may help combat urinary problems. When you put yourself on an Incontinix regimen, you can avoid limiting your water intake, performing vigorous pelvic exercises, wearing adult diapers, and consuming strong prescription pills.

The manufacturer has produced the formula after performing cutting-edge research for over two decades. The formula may show its effects in just 8 weeks, and no consumer has reported any side effects after consuming VigRX Incontinix regularly on any review site.

Why Should You Consider VigRX Incontinix

Many users have praised VigRX Incontinix for good reasons. If you are trying to find the reasons to invest in this hyped supplement, consider going through the following facts:

  1. Reputed Brand: VigRX’s mother company is leading Edge Health – a British-Colombia-based wellness brand. The company operates in Cyprus. Besides Incontinix, the brand markets several other dietary supplements. The manufacturer produces these supplements in a GMP-certified and FDA-registered facility. While their products are made in the USA, they ship across the globe.
  2. Reduces Common Incontinence Symptoms: Incontinix may help reduce inconvenient incontinence symptoms like urine leaks, frequent toilet visits, wetting the bed during sleeping, etc. The supplement may help prevent bladder aging and infection by leveraging its three-dimensional working methodology. In addition, it may help combat blocked urinary tract. Moreover, by helping you hold your urine for longer, Incontinix may prevent unwanted ejaculations.
  3. Brings Things Back to Normal: Incontinix may help reduce urine frequencies. Consequently, you may enjoy uninterrupted sleep. Besides, you may regain the liberty of performing your favorite activities without fearing unexpected leakage. Combinedly, these help you regain your peace of mind, ensuring a better quality of life.
  4. Available in Different Sizes: The manufacturer markets the supplement in 3 different sizes. You can choose from their exclusive 1-month, 2-month, and 3-month supply. If you are not very confident about the product’s quality, you can start with a 1-month supply. On the other hand, if you want to enjoy the highest level of cost efficiency, you may turn to a 2 or 3-month supply. Each alternative comes with free USA shipping.


VigRX Incontinix Pros & Cons


  1. Science-backed formula
  2. Resolutive customer support
  3. Quick refunds and risk free purchase
  4. Minimum side effects (confirmed by a study from BMC complementary medicine and therapies)


  1. Inconsistent consumption may delay the results
  2. Not advisable for men with serious medical conditions or below 18 years
  3. Only available for purchase on their official website


Take two capsules daily to obtain the best results. VigRX Incontinix claims that the benefits will show up within fourteen days; however, the longer you use the supplement, the better results you can expect. As of now, no side effects have been reported from taking the supplement. However, you should not overdose on the supplement as it may lead to dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.

Where to Buy VigRX Incontinix

You can buy VigRX Incontinix directly from its official website. The brand promotes sustainability; hence, when you order the supplement from the official website, you may leverage different promo codes and discount offers.


Frequently Asked Questions

What does VigRX Incontinix do?

VigRX Incontinix claims to treat hyperactive bladder. Its ground-breaking natural formula packs clinically proven ingredients that may potentially improve bladder health, slowing down bladder problems’ progress. The VigRX Incontinix supplement has received recommendations from medical professionals, and it’s free from synthetic, additive, or other contaminants. It leverages the power of nature to help relieve the symptoms of incontinence.

Who can use VigRX Incontinix?

VigRX Incontinix supplement is ideal for men who experience incontinence issues. So, if you wake up several times at night to pee or frequently visit the bathroom during the day, you may turn to this effective dietary supplement.

Does VigRX Incontinix feature a money-back guarantee?

Yes, it does! The manufacturer is pretty confident about the product’s efficacy. Thus, it has covered VigRX Incontinix with a 67 days return guarantee. Given that, you can try the formula for more than 2 months and observe the effects. If you don’t find the supplement appropriate, you can request a refund before the associated money-back guarantee of VigRX Incontinix expires. 

How long does VigRX Incontinix take to produce results?

VigRX Incontinix is an agile formula. Therefore, you can expect the results within fourteen days. However, different individuals may respond to the supplement differently, which may alter the duration. Therefore, you should consume VigRX Incontinix consistently for 90-120 days for optimal results.  


In a few words, the VigRX Incontinix supplement is a clinically proven dietary supplement that promises to reduce frustrating incontinence issues. By restoring the muscles of the sphincter, pelvic wall, and bladder, VigRX Incontinix helps reduce urine frequencies and leaks, allowing you to achieve a better quality of life. Place your order today before stock runs out!